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Immersive Media Corporation (IMC)

Immersive Media Corporation (IMC) is an advanced digital video imaging company with clients worldwide. Using eleven video streams arranged according to geodesic geometry, immersive video captures an almost complete spherical image; a high-resolution 360 degree view of the surroundings, seamlessly stitched together.

Recently, IMC embarked on an ambitious road-based survey of populous North American cities to create a dataset that provides Situational Awareness, GIS/Geomatics and Commercial Media markets with data-rich full-motion street-level panoramic imagery. Georeferenced data, it was hoped, could be supplied with precise camera position and orientation in order to offer unlimited opportunities for feature extraction through photogrammetry techniques. Content could then be augmented with other data, enabling users to experience previously unimagined visual data reference perspectives.

Solution & Result
Since most of the data was to be collected in downtown “urban canyons” with very challenging GPS environments, IMC wanted a very high accuracy navigation system in order to georeference every pixel. The POS LV was selected as their precise, robust real-time navigation solution, easily integrating it with IMC’s GeoImmersive capture system. With POS LV equipped survey vehicles, IMC collected over 30,000 trouble-free kilometers of imagery to meet their goal of up to 3,000 centerline kilometers in each target city.